When should your child stay home from school?
Your Child Should Not Attend School When:
1. FEVER: 100 degrees or greater. Must be fever free for at least 12 hours.
2. VOMITTING/DIARRHEA: None for 24 hours, and tolerating a regular diet and fever free for 12 hours.
3. STREP THROAT: MUST be on antibiotics for 24 hours, able to eat a regular diet and fever free for 12 hours.
4. PINK EYE/CONJUNCTIVITIS: MUST be on antibiotic eye drops for 24 hours and eyes MUST be clear (no redness or drainage)
5. CHICKENPOX: All blisters/vesicles MUST be completely scabbed/dried and fever free.
6. FIFTH DISEASE: May return to school with rash as long as NO FEVER for 24 hours and with doctor's note.
7. COUGH/COLD: If cough is persistent, and/or runny nose is persistent (especially green drainage for nose.
8. UNDIAGNOSED RASH OR IMPETIGO: MUST have a doctors' note stating diagnosis and treatment.
9. HEAD LICE: MUST be treated before returning to school. School nurse must check child upon return to school.
10. RINGWORM: MUST have a doctor's note indicating treatment.
11. SCABIES: 24 hours after treatment