7th grade Syllabus
Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!
Ms. Gilbert, room 415
Email – [email protected]
Phone – 609-298-0674 ext. 2415
Students and parents,
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! I am excited to be teaching Social Studies at Bordentown Regional Middle School. During the semester, the students discover the how the world changed during the Middle Ages. I am looking forward to a great year. Feel free to contact me with questions or check my website!
7th Grade Medieval World and Beyond Curriculum Timeline
Unit Weeks (Approx)
- The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire 3 weeks
- Europe During Medieval Times 4 weeks
- Rise of Islam 4 weeks
- The Culture and Kingdoms of West Africa 3 weeks
- Japan During Medieval Times 3 weeks
- Civilizations of the Americas 2 weeks
Supply List:
**Required every day for class. Supplies are due by: ___________
- ❏Three-Ring binder 1’’-3” (suggested w/ tab dividers and paper)
- ❏Two Pocket Folder(s)
- ❏Composition notebook or single subject notebook
- ❏Pens/Pencils
*Students will need a Sustained Silent Reading book EACH day for Social Studies.
Grading Scale:
Total points
I have read and understand the information contained above.
Student’s name: __________________ Student’s signature: _________________________
Parent’s name: ___________________ Parent’s signature: __________________________
How to be successful in Ms. Gilbert’s class?
- Be prepared for class each day. This includes a positive attitude J
- Be on top on your work in class and at home – most homework results from students not finishing their work in class!
- Start your homework the day it is assigned – if it is a longer assignment, break it up!
- Download the Google Classroom app on your smartphone or tablet – you will get notifications from me!
- Check my website for homework, Quizlets, Kahoots, and other information.
- Ask questions whenever you need help or are confused – we cover a lot, do not let your confusion go too far.
We cover a lot! It is fun, fascinating, and some ideas do repeat over chapters. Homework is assigned to allow more time for activities in class. Although it is a small percentage of the grade, students need to understand that completing it will help them become successful on tests and quizzes, which are 40% of their grade. Homework is meant to either assess a student OR prepare the student for the next day. If homework isn’t complete, students may become frustrated and not successful in activities.
Good luck!!
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Parent/Guardian name(s)____________________________
Parent/guardian email ______________________________
Parent/guardian email ______________________________
Parent/guardian phone number_______________________
Parent/guardian phone number _______________________
Do you have access to Internet in your home? ___________
**We will have online textbooks this year. If you do not have Internet access at home other arrangements will be made.
Email me at [email protected] if there is anything I should know to help your child become successful!