Mrs. Andrea Molnar » Algebra 2 Prep Work - Summer

Algebra 2 Prep Work - Summer

All students going into Algebra/Geometry in 8th Grade will need to spend some time over the summer reviewing concepts learned previous years to better their success in the first semester of Algebra I. 
Being that Algebra I is delivered in a semester course there is little time to waste reviewing old material, so this work is KEY in helping to make your semester a SUCCESS! 
This work is not mandatory to hand in the first day of school but needs be done for individual/conceptual understanding.  There will be an assessment on this material that will count as a grade in the course within the first few days of school.  This will be your first grade for the class, so prepare to make it the best!  
I will start the school year by asking for any questions on the material provided and I will go over all questions that are asked in detail.  ALL QUESTIONS are NECESSARY and VERY WELCOMED!  My motto is ALWAYS ASK!!!  
Below are ALL concepts that were previously learned at BRMS and are important for success in Algebra I.  Since this class is delivered within a semester, it is important that we are prepared and ready for September! 
Thank you for taking the time to do this work and prepare yourselves! 
See you soon!