Students » 8th Grade to 9th Grade Information

8th Grade to 9th Grade Information

8th Grade HS Scheduling
The high school guidance counseling office will be visiting the middle school Wednesday February 21st and Thursday February 22nd, to meet with our eighth grade students for high school scheduling during their Language Arts Classes.  Please locate your student's meeting date on the attached letter.  The Program of Studies for BRHS can be found by clicking the link below.  Lastly, all current 8th grade students will be given a schedule for next year at BRHS even if they do not intend to attend BRHS in September. If you have any questions, please contact the BRMS main office or you can reach out to the BRHS Guidance Department at 609-298-0025 ext. 1111.
The link to the BRHS Guidance webpage is below.  There is a wealth of information available to our students and their families.  
The link to the BRHS Program of Studies webpage is below.  There is a wealth of information available to our students and their families about courses offered at the high school.