email blast from 12/6: 🎵☃️🎶 concert 12/18 info (long- save for future reference!)

Hello everyone! We are now 12 days from the Band Winter Concert, and I am so pleased with how things are shaping up. The ensembles are sounding more cohesive every day, and I have been impressed with how many students have made it their goal to truly master their music. To say I'm proud is an understatement, and I'm sure you'll feel the same way at the conclusion of our concert. I know the students are excited to get under those bright lights and show off all of their hard work and musical skills. 🎶
Monday, December 18th at 7pm at the Bordentown Regional HIGH School Performing Arts Center
Students should report at 6:30 with their instruments and sheet music. Instruments must go home with students after school that day as BRMS will not be accessible before the concert.
Upon entering the main doors of the high school, students will head straight downstairs to the music room to warm up their instruments. The PAC doors will open to audience members at 6:30.
Students in jazz band should wear all black, and concert band students should wear a white top and black bottom. Shoes should be black/dark. Festive touches are fine as long as they're not distracting. (ties, hats, necklaces, etc.) Jazz students do not need to change into a white shirt for concert band. Reach out with any uncertainties.
I expect the concert to be less than an hour long- plenty of time to go get ice cream afterward!
On Monday morning, we will rehearse at the high school. This is an important part of the concert prep as students will practice the flow of the event and acclimate themselves to the acoustic and lighting differences compared to the auditorium that they're used to. Please make every effort to get your awesome young musician to school on time that day with their instruments and sheet music ready to go.
Students not in jazz band will not need their instruments for the rest of that week due to planned activities. Jazz band will rehearse on Thursday 12/21 and perform for the school during the pep rally on Friday 12/22. Jazz students should wear their BRMS music department T-shirts or an ugly sweater that day. Shirts are still available for $10.
Any student who is interested in trying out for the jazz band for spring semester can do so in January. Materials will be posted to the Google classroom. Current members do not need to re-audition.
A note on concert etiquette:
Good concert etiquette shows respect to the hours and hours of hard work that teachers and students have put into making the concert an enjoyable evening.
  • There is NO food or drink permitted in the PAC.
  • All electronics should be silenced (not on vibrate) and dimmed.
  • Take as many photos as you like, but please turn off the flash. The concert will be recorded and posted to the Google classroom, so we encourage you to stay in the moment and let the music move you.
  • We encourage you to bring small children, but if they become fussy or noisy, please step into the hallway or lobby with them.
  • Please do not interrupt the performance by leaving or entering during a song (unless it is to take care of a child, etc).
Most importantly!
  • Do not talk or whisper during performances as this is distracting to other audience members and the performers. Please express your enthusiastic support by applauding and cheering after a piece finishes. For jazz soloists, clap whenever you like what you hear!
Please reach out with any questions or concerns. I am looking forward to showing off everything we've learned during these past three months of lessons and rehearsals. Watching your children get dressed up, behave professionally, and play their hearts out is one of the most gratifying parts of my job. It'll be a great night- see you there!