Please click on the title above to view a letter for information on our upcoming Spring Parent Teacher Conferences. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Our annual BRMS Color Run will be taking place on Saturday May 10th. Our PTO has been working very hard in preparing for the event. Please click on the title above to view an important flyer with information about the Color Run. We appreciate your sharing these with your family and friends. The Color Run is always a great day for our school community and we are looking forward to another successful year. Thank you for your support!!
Team FAD is sponsoring a donation drive "contest" for Marty's Place, a senior dog sanctuary in Allentown, NJ. We are asking for various donations to be collected in Core 3 classes from now until Monday, March 24th. Each item donated will count as an entry into a drawing to win a Popcorn Party on April 1st! The more donations, the more entries into the drawing, and the more likely you are to win! The Winner will be announced on Monday, March 31st! Please click on the title above for more details. Thank you in advance for your support.
The link above takes you to a Google Slideshow that is played in our cafeteria and in the hallway all day. When the slideshow is updated, the link is updated simultaneously. Our students get to see this on a daily basis, families can up to date information that the students see during the day.
Pre-order your yearbook for $30. Any late orders placed in June will be $35 per book. Guarantee your copy and lock in your lower rate now! Click on the title above to preorder.
Please reach out to Mrs. Hough at [email protected] with any questions.
Please click on the title above for important information about our after school library program. The program offers students a quiet place to complete assignments after school.
The high school guidance counseling office will be visiting the middle school on Tuesday, February 25th, and Thursday, March 6th, to meet with our eighth-grade students for high school scheduling during their math classes. Please click on the title above to locate your child's meeting date on the attached letter. Lastly, all current eighth-grade students will be given a schedule for next year at BRHS even if they do not intend to attend BRHS in September. If you have any questions, please contact the BRMS main office or you can reach out to the BRHS Guidance Department at 609-298-0025 ext. 1111.
Congratulations to the Educational Services Professional of the Year, Mrs. Lynn Szalai, and BRMS Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Jessica Borek. We are so grateful for all that you do for BRMS!